Self Defense Starter Pack for Women - 50% off!

Designed for women who are new handgun owners or are thinking of purchasing a firearm for personal safety. This package includes over 18 hours combined in small-group classes, 3 hours of individualized instruction, use of firearms and training equipment, range and course fees, up to 300 rounds of target ammunition, and more, all delivered at South Metro Public Safety Training Facility!


Introduction to Handguns & Firearms Safety

Learn to handle a gun safely; identify types of handguns and ammunition; load, unload and clean a firearm; and accurately target shoot.

Krav Maga

Build basic skills and awareness techniques that are geared to address situations with multiple, armed attackers. Develo practical self-defense strategies under controlled-stress simulations of real-life threats.

Self-Defense (Simulated) Pistol

Build on marksmanship fundamentals through simulated self-defense drills. Develop defensive tactical skills and the situational awareness needed to safely operate a pistol for self- and home defense.

Holster Work for Beginners

Build on marksmanship fundamentals using advanced simulator-based training exercises. Develop a foundation of knowledge and skill needed to safely draw and re-holster, build muscle memory, and acquire speed. Learn draw techniques for different self-defense situations, and different types of concealment options.

MN Multi-State Permit to Carry

Learn all the safety, handling, tactics, and education that you will need to make informed decisions about the use of a pistol for self-defense. Topics covered include the concealed carry lifestyle/mindset, how to obtain your permit, where you are prohibited from carrying, carrying in other states, and use of deadly force laws.

Advanced Carry

Learn to observe, evaluate, and react to realistic situations that call for clear thinking, judgment, and effective defensive tactics. Discussion of legal, ethical, and physical consequences of lethal force follow scenario-based training and a detailed performance review. Non-lethal marking rounds are included.

Women-only Self Defense Starter Pack
Sale Price: $500.00 Original Price: $1,000.00

Participation requirements

  • At least 20 years of age

  • Legally able to own a firearm

  • Able to commit to at least one scheduled course each month

  • Training must be completed within one year of purchase

Non-refundable and non-transferrable