This course provides five hours of combined classroom and firearms simulator-based training exercises. Students build on their marksmanship fundamentals, developing simple defensive tactical skills and situational awareness needed to safely operate a pistol for self- and home- defense. Non-lethal defensive tools will be discussed.
Students will use an advanced, indoor video-simulation system that is generally available only to law enforcement professionals.
No real guns. No live fire!
Identify risk factors and indicators in common situations.
Analyze defensive strategies in the context of personal, legal, and financial risk.
Identify defensive tactics and tools that make up the defensive mindset
Distinguish between scenario-based training and target shooting and discuss the practical uses of each.
Develop the ability to move and shoot, draw from the holster, use cover and concealment, and respond safely and appropriately to common self-defense situations.
Complete a self-assessment, and develop a personal training plan
Students will understand how awareness, decision-making and tactical skills fit within a broad self-defense “toolkit.”